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: Home | My_Art | About_Me | More_Stuff_I_Made | Links | direc' | Add_Me_As_A_Friend |
|------'--------'          '-------------------'-------'--------'--------------------|
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| Hi there, I'm Clive Python, although I am also known as                            | 
| "OwlMan" because I make ASCII owls (like the one on the left) on the               |
| website "Your World of Text" alot. I first                                         |
| started doing ASCII art some time in 2015 on YWoT as a                             |
| way to show off how "good" I was at text art                                       |
|                                                                                    |
| People started notasing me very quickly around the                                 | 
| website, I got so popular that I was even World of The                             |
| Day (WoTD) and soon got invited to join a YWoT groop                               |
| called "AltMain" - cool guys                                                       |
|                                                                                    |
| Anyway, why not find out what I like by going to Videos                            |
| I like? ...or not... I can't tell you what to do...                                |
|                                                                                    |
| All the best, Clive                                                                |
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| 12/01/2016 UK Time                                                                 |
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: Last updated: 21/02/2016 || Page Made: 20/02/2016 || Follow Me on Twitter || 00:00 ;